Case Management

As a case manager, I provide support to help you manage your treatment, rehabilitation and care needs. My case management support provides guidance, support and encouragement to achieve your goals and help you keep life on track.

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Social Work

As a social worker, my role can involve helping you adust to life after injury and supporting you to resolve complex issues. This assistance can include:

  • Navigating complex systems such as Centrelink, Department of Housing, NDIS
  • Psychosocial assessments and medicolegal reports regarding the impact of your injury and support needs
  • Trouble shooting and crisis resolution - helping when things are tough or going wrong

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Psychosexual Therapy

Supporting people to achieve goals in all aspects of their life is an important aspect of my work.  Often people exclude discussions around sexual wellbeing when goal setting. Not me!  I will happily, confidently and respectfully work with people following an injury to tailor a plan forward to support and improve sexuality and relationship outcomes.

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